
Boasting year round availability, sending roses is a timeless way to show you care.  Express almost any sentiment, from romance, to appreciation, to friendship, to sympathy.  Our designers will arrange roses skillfully and beautifully to meet the needs of your occasion.

A Romantic Arrangement of Roses in a Low Bowl
R2  $63.00

R285  $95.00

100 red Roses proclaiming her beauty ... topping a low glass cylindrical vase.
R300  $525.00

R240  $95.00

R410  $110.00

R760  $95.00

R955  $110.00

R1000 $65.00

R1221 $75.00

Gifford’s makes ordering flowers on-line easy. For that last minute need, special request, custom design, or if you just prefer that human touch, call us.
1-800-875-9193 or (503) 222-9193.